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2019 TCCSA Annual General Meeting

The 2019 TCCSA Annual General Meeting and Volunteer Recognition Ceremony was successfully held at our York Centre on September 10, 2019.



The TCCSA 2019 Annual General Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony was held at the York Centre on September 10, 2019.

The Annual General Meeting officially began at 5: 30 p.m. All members unanimously approved the annual report and auditor’s report for the period of 2018-19 and successfully elected the board members for the year of 2019 to 2020. The results are as follows:

President:                                Nelson Cheng

1st Vice President:                   Scott Au

2nd Vice President:                  Kei Leung

3rd Vice President:                   Jennifer Shen

Secretary:                                Emily Cheng

Treasurer:                               Scott Au

Board Members:                   Andy Cheung, Allan Fok, Ray Huen, Gabriel Lam, Jeff Leung,

Anne Long, Liang Tang, Kenny Tsui, Yingya Wu, and Sam Yang.

Over the past 45 Years, The Cross-Cultural Community Services Association has evolved from its humble beginnings into a multi-service and diverse community organization to best respond to the emerging needs of new immigrants. Mr Nelson Cheng, the President of TCCSA, thanked the members of the Board of Directors, management, staff, members & many dedicated volunteers at the meeting for their tireless work and commitments in helping TCCSA deliver high quality services to the newcomer community and for the success of the association in the past 45 years; and, most importantly, the ongoing financial support from the three levels of government.

Special thanks were also given to a group of volunteers and staff who have been loyal and dedicated to TCCSA. The President and the Directors of the Board presented certificates at the meeting to honour the volunteers who had volunteered for the organization for 75 hours or more in 2018-2019, as well as, the staff who have completed 10 and 15 years of services in our organization.

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